恒折教育 志愿填报


发布时间: 2024-07-05 12:24:45










年份 院校(招生方向) 招生省份 科目类型 所在批次/段 最低录取分 最低位次
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 湖南 文科 本科三批 499 44257
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 云南 文科 本科二批及预科 480 42974
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 广东 文科 本科批 476 82734
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 河北 文科 本科二批 476 53366
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 河南 文科 本科二批 450 96480
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 内蒙古 文科 本科二批 441 18777
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 云南 理科 本科二批及预科 435 89116
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 湖南 理科 本科三批 422 125177
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 河北 理科 本科二批 410 169403
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 山西 文科 本科二批C段 405 51170
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 河南 理科 本科二批 398 262381
2019 云南艺术学院文华学院 内蒙古 理科 本科二批 342 58494


招生省份 科目 年份 录取批次 分数线 录取位次 录取数 省控线
河北 文科 2020 本科 477 52118 - 465
河北 理科 2020 本科 449 161559 - 415
山西 文科 2020 本二C 416 18050 - 400
山西 理科 2020 本二C 402 35084 - 370
河南 文科 2020 本二 471 92059 10 465
河南 理科 2020 本二 441 255937 2 418
湖南 文科 2020 本三 506 43331 - 501
湖南 理科 2020 本三 448 122465 - 433
广东 文科 2020 本科 478 60086 15 430
广东 理科 2020 本科 438 182588 4 410
云南 文科 2020 本二 487 39556 275 480
云南 理科 2020 本二 452 83841 62 440



Wenhua College was formerly called Wenhua College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, a full-time regular institution of higher learning authorized by the Ministry of Education in May 2003 and jointly run by Wuhan Union Real Estate Limited Company and Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In May, 2014, the Ministry of Education authorized the College to transfer its identity to the privately-run regular undergraduate college, officially renaming it" Wenhua College".


Within 1 kilometer away from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wenhua College is located at Chuangye Street, the heartland of Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone ---“The Optical Valley, Wuhan, China ”. Adjacent to the beautiful East Lake scenic spot, the campus covers 1,340 mu. Sheltered by green trees and red maples, it has won a reputation of “one of the ten most beautiful universities” in Wuhan. Therefore, "going to Wenhua to admire the breathtaking scenery of red maples in autumn" has become a new fashion among Wuhan residents. With a gross floor area of 532,600 m2, Wenhua  College is fully equipped with modern education and life facilities. Rigorous academic atmosphere offers an ideal land for students’ study and research.


Pro.LiXianjun, the President of Wenhua College, is a renowned higher educationist who is also the president of Chinese  Colleges and Universities Research Association, deputy director of the academic committee of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and a doctoral supervisor. Pro. Zhang Yongchuang, the honorary President of Wenhua College, is an academician of Chinese Academy of engineering. In the schooling process, all of the teachers and students in Wenhua College share high quality educational resources with Huazhong University of Science and Technology. One third of the state-level famous teachers and a large number of outstanding teachers and cadres with Huazhong University of Science and Technology are also teaching and working in Wenhua College. A group of renowned scholars and experts in famous colleges and universities of Wuhan are appointed to hold leading positions in teaching and researching of the departments and faculties in Wenhua College.


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